Aim: To rescue yourself from a traumatising phenomenon known as Boredom.
Apparatus Required: Any random me anything can be of use in such extreme scenarios!
Theory: Boredom is an emotional state experienced during periods lacking activity or when individuals are uninterested in the activities surrounding them.
- Get rid off Facebook and Orkut for the following day.
- Clean your room and do your laundary. If you normally don't then your mother is sure to appreciate this.
- Make a movie. The worse the movie the better is the fun experienced. Well am not against a good movie though!
- Make a call to any random number. The most tried and tested method. Guranteed to work wonders every time ;)
- Rent a Tushar Kapoor movie for total entertainment [do i even need to say any more!? :D]
- Teach your dog new tricks, if you dont have one teach your siblings the same. [works for me!]
- Get a makeover. If u already look like a beauty pagent winner GREAT! call me [applicable only for guys].
- Go to a temple/mosque/church. Who knows, maybe you will learn something!
- Listen to music [I cannot come up with any..m bored!! :O]
- Visit '' [I sware to God am not making this up]
- Start a blog. [cool eh!? :P]
Result: Well I did manage to pass my time!! All the best with yours though. hehe :P
- While calling up strangers avoid numbers such as 100, 919 etc.
- In case of non availability of Tushar Kapoor movies, Aap Ka Suroor can be used as a replacement.
- Avoid teaching tricks to your parents in case of non availability of siblings.
- If the makeover does bring you any where close to Brad Pitt then calling the creator of this blog is a must!
really cool......
u dint mention ur no ...did u ??
I've tried almost everything in there and to be frank it works, i was once fed up with all these networking sites, i once deleted my 0rkut id, I did nights all on my own with no friends for hang overs, eating maggi and watching super duper brilliant non-fictional Rajni-Mithun movies, i've called up friends at 4 am who were surprisingly pissed off, i don't know why but sure that made me happy for some reason, I finished the sitcom "Big Bang Theory" in almost one night, stupid things really but I still wonder how they work.
Yes I might sound look a total douchebag but I've tried facepack of my mom, yeah, BEAT THAT IF YOU CAN!
you rock man!!
you could be next chetan bhagat.
i swear to god, i am not kidding
@ hrishikesh, first of all- lol ;) n dont u think u did a lot of interestin things out of boredom? m sure u hav better skin now! haha.. :D
@ ketan, thanx but i really don think m tht good! :)
this ones 'OMG FUNNY'!!
jee..thanx!! :D
hehe, nice one,
next time, try to write something on how to pass time in office, when u r assigned some really boring work, it will definitely help me.... :)
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